
Friday Apr 10, 2020
Season 2 Premier: Hafez Virjee, Delos
Friday Apr 10, 2020
Friday Apr 10, 2020
BACK after 6 months of hiatus!
This season was supposed to start by spending several weeks focused on the Vis Moot, however, given the current global events, we pivoted to more timely topics--
Season 2 instead starts with an interview with Mr. Hafez Virjee of Delos Dispute Resolution. Delos is an arbitral institution dedicated to filling the gaps that may be overlooked in traditional practice and was one of the early adopters of online dispute resolution, in particular, during the Covid-19 Outbreak. Some resources and references are made during the show, so check it out, and we look forward to bringing you a whole new season of Tales every Thursday!
- Articles mentioned by Hafez During the show, found here
- Link to Delos-Y is here
- Reference to Kahneman is here
- A clever meme referenced during the show: https://twitter.com/SamuelLJackson/status/1245778791592366082
- Reference to the Charlie Morgan article on data and technology: https://www.herbertsmithfreehills.com/latest-thinking/inside-arbitration-data-analytics-in-international-arbitration-balancing-technology
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None of the views shared today or any episode of Tales of the Tribunal is presented as legal advice nor advice of any kind. No compensation was provided to any person or party for their appearance on the show nor do any of the statements made represent any particular organization, legal position or view point. All interviewees appear on an arms-length basis and their appearance should not be construed as any bias or preferred affiliation with the host or host’s employer. All rights reserved.