
Friday Nov 04, 2022
SEASON 4 FINALE: Mike Mcilwrath, MDisputes
Friday Nov 04, 2022
Friday Nov 04, 2022
In this final submission for Season 4 of Tales of the Tribunal, we got out with a BANG! We sit down with one of the pioneers of podcasting in the legal space and especially in the international legal community – Mike Mcilwrath. You might also know him as the former head of global litigation at Baker Hughes and one of the head litigators at GE and now the founder of MDisputes, a company dedicated to helping companies resolving their disputes better. He also plays a mean guitar and has an encyclopedic knowledge of Jazz.
It’s a fun conversation from start to finish that is as much about life and perspective as it is about international arbitration. Mike’s own podcast was part of the inspiration for this show and it was great to have him stop by the show. He even brought his own equipment!
So, kick your feet up, and relax this is a fun one, brought to you from somewhere in the Tuscan Hills near Florence!!
Opening Notes – :35
Episode Begins – 4:25
Personal Interest – 50:17
Closing Notes – 1:02:33
Only the World Was Enough, By: Brendan Simms
Kind of Blue – The Making of Miles Davis Masterpiece, By: Ashley Kah
Kind of Blue – Miles Davis
Feedback and comments welcome to: TalesOfTheTribunal@Gmail.com
None of the views shared today or any episode of Tales of the Tribunal is presented as legal advice nor advice of any kind. No compensation was provided to any person or party for their appearance on the show nor do any of the statements made represent any particular organization, legal position or view point. All interviewees appear on an arms-length basis and their appearance should not be construed as any bias or preferred affiliation with the host or host’s employer. All rights reserved.

Thursday Jun 02, 2022
Season 4, Episode 2: Fernando Tupa
Thursday Jun 02, 2022
Thursday Jun 02, 2022
The topic of investor-states disputes is one that has continued to gain regular attention and interest from both practitioners and those outside of the legal community alike. Because the disputes involved can touch on topics of public interest the professionals that actually work in the field are often at the forefront of shaping the best practices and standards for the practice area.
Fernando Tupa is one of those professionals as he regularly works on investor-state and commercial arbitration matters. He also has written articles on arbitrator and counsel ethics and maintaining the integrity of the field, which is why were glad to have him the digital studio this week. We talked about a number of topics that you won’t want to miss, so enjoy the show and let us know what you think!
Opening Notes - :44
Interview Begins – 3:00
Personal Interest Topics – 41:30
Closing Notes – 53:40
The Trouble With Foreign Investor Protections, By: Gus Van Harten
Feedback and comments welcome to: TalesOfTheTribunal@Gmail.com
None of the views shared today or any episode of Tales of the Tribunal is presented as legal advice nor advice of any kind. No compensation was provided to any person or party for their appearance on the show nor do any of the statements made represent any particular organization, legal position or view point. All interviewees appear on an arms-length basis and their appearance should not be construed as any bias or preferred affiliation with the host or host’s employer. All rights reserved

Friday May 20, 2022
SEASON 4, Episode 1 - Ukraine Students and the Vis
Friday May 20, 2022
Friday May 20, 2022
As the world began to visualize a world where Covid-19 may fade into the rear view, a new global disaster looemd, somehow even more unimaginable. In February 2022, Russia declared war on Ukraine and invaded its neighbor, killing thousands, devastating countless lives and turning global economies and politics upside down.
In the wake of this military aggression, and bolstered by grit and courage, many Ukrainians found ways to continue on with their lives, in particular law students who had been preparing for the Vis international arbitration moot who now had a wholly new set of challenges to contend with...and yet, they did.
In this week's episode, you'll hear from two students and their coaches about what their lives have been like, since the invasion, during the moot and what comes next.
Many thanks to the guests:
Resources to support Ukraine:
United We Rise
United For Ukraine
Safe Harbor
FATF Website, Link
Kalush Orchestra - Stefania
Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow
Feedback and comments welcome to: TalesOfTheTribunal@Gmail.com
None of the views shared today or any episode of Tales of the Tribunal is presented as legal advice nor advice of any kind. No compensation was provided to any person or party for their appearance on the show nor do any of the statements made represent any particular organization, legal position or view point. All interviewees appear on an arms-length basis and their appearance should not be construed as any bias or preferred affiliation with the host or host’s employer. All rights reserved